Connecting When We Can’t

Have you had the talk yet? The one where you tell family that you aren’t going to celebrate the holidays in person? I had mine last week. It was tough. Everyone is trying to hang in there, but the holidays add another layer of stress & sadness.

This Gertrude Stein quote resonated with me because it’s this time of year that I get real sentimental about my relationships. These 2 months usually fly by catching up with friends and family, giving big hugs and laughing really loud over many cocktails and excellent food.

It will look different this year, but that doesn’t mean my gratitude remains silent. After all, it is the season of spreading the love. This year we need more than ever. Start a new tradition, reboot and old one. I think sending mail is nice, especially like the cards I’ve curated for you here.


New beginnings


Nice To Meet You!