The 1 Element Your Table Design Needs.

The day has finally arrived and you’re putting together the final details to make it extra special for you and your guests. One area of the experience that can really elevate your event is to design custom menus for each table setting. This is an opportunity to carry through the design you created for your invitations. It’s what got your guests excited about your wedding in the first place, right? Now, pay it off with those added touches throughout the event.

We’ve curated some of our favorite designed menus to inspire you as you think about designing the elements for your wedding day.

The Classic Contemporary

Custom menus at each seat grounds your guests as they wait for the dinner service to begin. It’s an opportunity to remind them about the food they are about to enjoy and create a small keepsake they can take home with them.

The Whimsical

Pink watercolor flowers menu

Joy just jumps off the plate with this custom illustration and hand lettering. Match your color palette for a cohesive and charming effect.

The Innovator

Emerald leaves menu

Step it up a notch by using unique materials like this vinyl example. We can incorporate the same design elements you envisioned for your other stationery and really make it shine. Nothing basic about this idea.

We obsess about creating beautiful stationery for every moment of your wedding, big or small. Let us help you customize the look and feel for your event. Contact us and tell us about your upcoming event.


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